Abstract: To avoid the occurrence of the curved needle phenomenon in a hosiery machine, it is crucial to maintain work efficiency and ensure the quality of socks. This necessitates taking preventive measures. The following outlines strategies to prevent needle bending in a hosiery machine.
- Opt for high-quality needles: It is essential to carefully select needles that meet quality standards to guarantee high equipment efficiency. Poor quality needles are prone to bending and breakage under pressure during use. Therefore, attention must be given to needle quality when making a purchase.
- Ensure proper installation: During installation, it is vital to ensure correct placement and appropriate length to prevent needle bending. Longer needles may result in bending, while shorter ones could affect stitching quality, making correct installation crucial.
- Maintain the right angle: Attention should be given to using the machine at the correct angle to reduce the likelihood of needle bending.
Regular use of the hosiery machine requires measures to effectively prevent needle bending. Prompt replacement of bent needles is necessary to maintain sock quality.